Canada Trip – 9/2000
It was a muggy night in August and I got a call from our Fearless Editor, Karl, needing an article on our Jay Peak lunch experience. Jay Peak was 5 months ago and if you were on that trip, the memorable events would be the “charming, pistol packing Border Guard” who absconded with our Bus Driver and the big cloud on the top of the mountain, designed to hone our sightless skiing skills.
However, our relentless search for a “Civilized Lunch” (roughly defined as no boots, socks or french fries that once belonged to someone else, on the table), was rewarded with a great buffet at the International House, which is located at the base of the mountain, in the Austrian House. Soup and sandwich was $5.95 and the full buffet was $7.50. The buffet had soup, several kinds of salads, onion rings, stir fry and veggie lasagna; just to name a few of the “All You Can Eat” selections.
Keep this restaurant in mind, when you sign up for the “Canada Trip”, as Jay Peak is one of the mountains that we will be skiing.
~Barbara Zurlo
Lift Lines – September 2000